Graduation Swirl streamers - 2 pieces
Graduation Swirl streamers - 2 pieces
2 streamers with images of graduation caps on them.
- Niet goed, geld terug garantie
- Compleet aanbod in feestartikelen!
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Graduation garland set
This set of 2 swirl streamers is the perfect way to celebrate the graduation of a loved one! The streamers feature graduation cap images and have a festive look. The images are printed on high-quality material and are bright and colorful, making them a great addition to any festive setting.
These swirl streamers are perfect for indoor or outdoor use and are reusable so they can be reused for other milestones in the future. Whether it's graduating, finishing a degree, or achieving a significant accomplishment, these streamers will add a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Overall, this set of 2 swirl streamers is a great way to celebrate the graduation of a loved one and let them know that their efforts are appreciated. Order these streamers now and make every graduation party an unforgettable occasion!
- Artikelnummer BL90622
- Producttype Garlands